Sunday, May 15, 2011


In the Name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful

Dear Students,

Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude be to Allah, the Producer, the Omniscient, the Creator who created the magnificent intellect and endowed it to human thus elevates him to the highest position in the hierarchy of creations given that he purifies his intellect through contemplation and guidance from Allah.  

I have created this blog to share relevant information which may be related directly or indirectly to our course in Islamic Worldview.  Worldview is an important configuration of meaning which inform our perception on life experiences.  It is the non-observable foundation of our thought and action.  Therefore, it is pertinent that we must understand the function of worldview so that our worldview is made up of the truth which in turn provides us with the true picture of reality to facilitate our correct judgment on life experiences so that justice will prevail.

May this class benefit you and I so that we can progress in our journey to become 'abd and khalifah of Allah.  

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